So, I want to know where are you in terms of your goals. Go back and look at the goals you wrote down at the beginning of the year and be honest with yourself have you accomplished your goals. If you have Congrats!
If you are not happy where you are today then what’s the problem?
What is holding you back?
Why are you procrastinating?
God has not giving us the spirit of Fear but he has given us each a special power.
I want to show you EXACTLY how to reach your GOALS!
So let’s Define Goals: According to Wikipedia: A goal or objective is a desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve—a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has intrinsic value.
Here are a few success tips to help you reach your goals!
Success Tip 1 – What have you been doing in the past? When it comes to your goals, you should be tracking your results and actions, so looking back over the last 3 months what have you been doing to reach your goals and what has been the results. Think about the steps you know you should have taken but for whatever reason you didn’t. Write it Down.
Success Tip 2 – What are you doing now? You should be working on your goals daily. What are you doing now to achieve your goals?
What do you need to do to reach your goals? Is it limit your time on the computer, watching TV, on the phone, doing things in your business that don’t produce results such as filing and organizing when you should be working? Write it Down.
What limiting beliefs are holding you back to becoming the person you want to be?
Is it Fear?
Is it Procrastination?
Is it I am still working on myself?
I don’t have enough experience?
I know the feeling, I have been there many times, I knew deep down inside that my purpose was to empower people to take their life to a new level, but I ran from it for almost three years, because I said oh there are too many life coaches etc but I now know the God has set aside specific people for me to help unleash breakthroughs.
Success Tip 3: Do Something Different. I know you have heard this before, in order to get what you have never done before you have to do something you have never done before. Example invest in yourself and get some accountability and hire a life coach.
Success Tip 4: Be Committed – You have to stay committed to your goals and your most importantly yourself, you deserve success. So even when it gets hard you have to find the strength to carry on that is another reason why it is important to discover your Why?
Success Tip 5: Celebrate Your Success – Every little accomplishments deserves praise, for every small task you check off you should feel joy and reward yourself, it could be a pat on the back, trip to the salon, a massage, ice cream. Just spoil yourself.
Are You Ready To Unleash Your Breakthrough!
I am certified Spiritual Physique Life Coach and our 90-day Spiritual Physique life coaching programs will help you take your life to the next level. It is interactive and affordable.
Are You Ready for Transformation?
LaKeisha Hankins
Certified Life Reposition Coach